Information designated as Unrestricted within Princeton (UWP) includes anything intended to be freely shared among members of the University community.
Summary: Handling UWP Information
UWP information is neither Restricted nor Confidential—however, you must still take care to protect it, and to prevent unauthorized access by those who are not Princeton students, faculty, or employees.
Store (Data at Rest) | Encryption NOT required |
Share (Data in Transit) | Encryption NOT required |
Access | Device must be password-protected |
Physical (Hard) Copies |
Identification: Mark documents as “UWP – Unrestricted within Princeton”; Protection: No requirements |
Have Questions? Suspect a Compromise?
If you suspect that UWP information may have been compromised, report your concern to the Help Desk. The Help Desk is also available to assist with any questions concerning the proper classification of Princeton information.
- Course descriptions in the Employee Learning Center
- Web-based resources designed for University use
- University ID number