The Policy

Everyone shares a responsibility to protect Princeton's information, whether you are the owner / steward of the information or need to use it. 

Protect Our Info

The Princeton Information Security Policy outlines the principles for protecting information in a manner consistent with requirements for confidentiality, integrity, and availability. You are encouraged to review the complete policy, and to keep the following in mind at all times: 

  • Share safely: Information may only be shared or accessed in accordance with Princeton's Information Security Policy
  • Protect all information on all devices: Security requirements related to classification levels remain in place at all times and on all devices. Recipients of University information must take appropriate measures to safeguard its confidentiality, no matter where it resides.
  • Report possible exposure: Any unauthorized access to restricted information must be reported. If you suspect University information has been exposed, you must contact the Service Desk immediately at 258-HELP.

Have questions?

The Service Desk is the front line for all inquiries related to information security.