Princeton's Information Security Policy outlines the minimum requirements applicable to everyone in the University community. Additional, more restrictive requirements may apply to certain information, or in particular situations.
For more detailed information about the University's policies, please visit
Department-Specific Policies
If your Department is developing supplemental policies related the protection of University information, the Information Security Office is available to assist with template-creation, development of usable content, and other matters. Note that Departments may increase the level of restrictiveness for their information, but may never reduce the level of restrictiveness.
Current Departmental Policies
- Princeton Office of Development: Do Not Share Policy
Classifying Research Information
Research must comply with the Research Data Security Guidelines provided by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). These are designed to protect the dignity, welfare, and privacy of all research subjects, while safeguarding their private information.
If you are conducting research, you are advised to become familiar with the regulatory information that may be applicable, including HIPAA compliance rules for protected, personally identifiable information. All University research is reviewed by the Institutional Review Board, part of the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance.
Have Questions?
For assistance with the classification of research information, contact the Institutional Review Board. If you have a concern related to compliance, follow the protocol set forth by the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance.